From: Thursday November 24, 2022, 5:00 pm
To: Thursday November 24, 2022, 7:00 pm
“Skills shortages” and “costs of living” are phrases on everyone’s lips at the moment. But what does it really mean for businesses, households, governments and the economy?
EY’s Economic Advisory practice is helping public, private, and not for profit clients navigate these unique and somewhat challenging times.
“More and more we are seeing our clients come to us looking for evidence and advice on what lies beneath the headline economic indicators. Yes, inflation is at 6.1%, but what does that actually mean for households and, ultimately, what is the role of social policy in these times? On the labour market side, Policymakers are seeking more robust information on the skills that exist within our population to design policy to maximise our productive capacity.
Jennifer Pitman, Associate Director of Economics based in Melbourne, will provide an update on labour markets and costs of living across Australia, followed by a broad discussion of some of the issues, and solutions, EY’s Economics team are working with clients on in this space.
Jennifer specialises in applying a policy-lens to quantitative economic analysis, to help clients cut through complexity and support decision-making and policy deliberations. Jennifer has over a decade of experience as an Economist in roles across the public and private sectors, including the Reserve Bank of Australia, Deloitte Access Economics, La Trobe University and the Victorian and Queensland Governments.
Event Details
EY Canberra,
Level 11, 121 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra, ACT
5-7pm, 24 November 2022
Drinks and canapes will be provided.
EY Canberra
Level 11, 121 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT