The Australian Conference of Economists (ACE) 2022 was held from 10 to 13 July 2022 in Hobart, Tasmania as an in-person event.  The theme, Economics in the New Normal, sought to address the challenges that a post-pandemic world faces.  Where permission is granted, presentations are uploaded below.

Paul Blacklow, 
Convener of ACE 2022, on behalf of the ACE 2022 Organising Committee


Title First Name Last Name Paper Title
Dr Akshay Shanker Retirement Eggs and Retirement Baskets
Assoc. Prof Alec Zuo Australian public preferences for water re-allocation in the Murray-Darling Basin
Mr Amrit Pathak Trade Liberalisation and Manufacturing Productivity in Nepal: Examining A Small Open Developing Economy
Mr Andrew Rendall Innovation, Differentiation, and Consumer Choice in the Victorian Retail Energy Market
Mr Aneeq Sarwar Does distance impede scientific discourse? A case of environmental patents
Dr Angela Jackson How a Wellbeing Budget can address disadvantage and underpin a strong economy in the ‘new normal’
Miss Anne-Louise Knight How climate change is shaping global foreign direct investment flows
Dr Ariun-erdene Bayarjargal Returns of parental education on children’s development by cultural inheritance and ethnic background
Dr Ashton de Silva Measuring Real-Time Economic activity using Pedestrian Count Data
Dr Ashton de Silva The economics of 'Place’ :- An Ageing in Place Perspective
Baily Hepple Analysis of Australia's permanent migration program using Treasury's Overlapping Generations Model of the Australian Economy
Professor Bruce Mountain Special Session Presenter
Mr Cain Polidano Impacts from reducing the liquidity of private pensions
Dr Cameron Chisholm Bracket creep and its fiscal impact
Dr Cameron Murray What's the rush? New housing market absorption rate metrics reveal incentives to slow housing supply
Ms Catherine Gao An econometric investigation into the impact of external events on health conditions
Chloe Burns Impact of COVID-19 related behavioural response on stock price volatility: an econometric investigation
Dr Danielle Kent (merrett) Investment Professionals Increase ESG Investment in Response to Optimistic Framing
Professor Darla Hatton MacDonald Water redistribution: explaining rankings, protests and willingness to pay
Dean Hoi The Hinge of the Golden Door: Labour Market Impacts of Immigrant Exclusion
Mr Dinith Marasinghe Socioeconomic factors associated with suicide in Australia: A focus on individual income and unemployment 
Miss Dyah (Prita) Pritadrajati Does Social Assistance Disincentivise Employment, Job Formality, and Mobility? Learning from Past Unconditional Cash Transfer Programs in Indonesia
Ms Elyse Dwyer Uncovering the Urban Advantage of Australian Firms: New Evidence from BLADE Data
Ms Fiona Good Cementing Australia’s Future: Carbon impacts of cement production in the context of domestic and international decarbonisation policy and impacts for upstream and downstream industries
Dr Frederique Bracoud Macroeconomics and Finance textbooks misrepresentations of Money and Banking:
An alternative way to teach money and banking through balance sheets
Mr Gene Tunny Queensland’s Titles Registry Trickery: a case study in dubious public finance practices
Gerard Lind Aligning future supply with demand for VET graduates: A fine grained model of the Victorian labour market, VET system and transitions from education to employment
Mr Guna Bhatta Monetary policy rule when UIP conditions and policy trilemma do not hold: case of Nepal
Dr Ha Vu The effect of job search requirements on welfare receipt 
Hal Varian Nowcasting with Google Trends
Mr Hammed Musibau Interpolating PISA Data with World Bank Development Indicators
Mr Harry Greenwell Special Session Presenter
Himaushu Hardikar The Impact of Disputed Exclusive Economic Zones on Fisheries in the South China Sea
Dr Ian Manning Regional Changes in Hours Worked and Local Income: 2020-21 Compared to 2014-19
Mr Jack Hewton The Effect of Household Based and Neighbourhood Based Precarious Housing on Wellbeing
Mr Jack Jaensch The Treasury Industry Model – a dynamic general equilibrium model of the Australian Economy
Dr James Lennox Spatial economic dynamics and transport project appraisal
Mr James Owen A 'striking consumer preference' for large energy retailers
Assoc. Prof Janine Dixon Unpacking the economic impacts of Covid-19 using a CGE modelling approach
Dr Jason Nassios The impact of property taxes on prices for low- and high-density housing
Professor Jeff Borland Lessons from COVID-19 for labour market policy in Australia
Ms Jennifer Jenkins Gaps in valuing sustainable and resilient infrastructure
Jenny Lye Gaming after Lockdowns: Return to the Slots
Mr Jonathan Hambur The COVID-19 shock and productivity-enhancing reallocation in Australia: Real-time evidence from Single Touch Payroll
Assoc. Professor Jongsay Yong Sources of specialist fee variation: an investigation using private health insurance claims data
Assoc. Professor Joseph Hirschberg Coding Practice in Economics: A Survey and Recommendations
Prof. Joseph Stiglitz Economic theory and policy post neoliberalism
Professor Karen Mumford Gender and LGB Pay Gaps in the National Health Service
Dr Keiran Sharpe Mervyn King and Maynard Keynes on Money and Uncertainty
Mr Khoa A. Trinh Does poverty increase impatience? Empirical evidence from Vietnam for the new approach of poverty reduction, land and environment sustainable management policies in developing countries
Ms Kim Nguyen The Real Effects of Debt Covenants: Evidence from Australia
Ms Kristen Sobeck Welfare reform of the parenting payment single (PPS): Employment and wage outcomes of PPS recipients
Mr Lawson Ashburner Effects of wealth transfers on wealth inequality and intergenerational wealth persistence
Dr Le Wen Exploration of wind energy and green hydrogen production in New Zealand
Dr Leonora Risse A gender lens on the workforce impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic in Australia
Mr Luan Nguyen Solar power consumer behaviour: Diminishing rebound effects or reinstations of the old habits? Empirical evidence from a developing country
Dr Luke Meehan Market structure and competition: Mapping structural risk in ASIC’s regulatory remit
Dr Luke Meehan Special Session Presenter - Financial distress and unlisted firms
Ms Lutfun Hossain Evaluation of the Victorian Healthy Homes Program: a randomised controlled trial
Dr Mahmoud Abdellatif The effect of R&D on firms' performance: Europe vs. GCC Countries
Dr Mala Raghavan Trade Linkages and Business Cycle Transmissions in Small Open East-Asian Markets
Dr Maria Jahromi Risk and Returns to Education
Dr Maria Yanotti Zoom towns: Housing Market Spillovers and Covid-19
Dr Mark Tocock Risk Preferences and the Reliability of Electricity Networks
Prof. Markus Brueckner Special Session Presenter - Fiscal Consolidations
Mary Clarke Enhanced Parental Paid Leave – Why its Not Just Good for Mums
Dr Matthew Jones A Simple Model of Working From Home
Mr Matthew Read The Unit-effect Normalisation in Set-identified Structural Vector Autoregressions
Dr. Michael Cabalfin The Impact of Scholarships on TVET and Labor Outcomes in the Philippines
Assoc. Prof Michelle Rendall Gender Education Gap and Skill-Biased Structural Change
Mr Mingji Liu Quantifying Australia's returns to innovation
Mr Muhammadu Theseem Musthafa Spillover Effects of Chinese Uncertainty Shocks
Mr Mustafa Kamal Age, Period, Cohort Effects in the Gender Pay Gap in Australia
Dr Nam Foo Fuel subsidization reforms in ASEAN countries
Mr Nasa Yunren Does unsatisfactory subjective well-being of school children decrease their cognitive development skill?
Professor Nicholas Biddle Gender differences in the relationship between labour market outcomes and wellbeing during COVID-19
Mr Nicholas Proud Special Session Presenter -Power housing Australia
Nicholas Sheard Flattening the curve? The property-price gradient in Sydney during the COVID-19 pandemic
Assoc. Prof Nicolas Herault Distributional National Accounts for Australia, 1991-2018
Miss Nicole Adams The Effect of the COVID-19 Income Support Policies on Household Spending in Australia
Nicole Kagan Not So Super? An Analysis of the Australian Early Release of Superannuation Program
Professor Pascalis Raimondos Domestic MNEs
Mr Patrick Hartigan Why have bachelor’s graduates’ real wages fallen? A machine learning approach
Dr Paul Blacklow The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Economic Growth in Developing Economies: A Study Using a Dynamic Panel Data (DPD) Model
Mr Pilana Vithana Sajith Harshana Household dietary diversity, food security and market access: A multi-indicator assessment using nationwide survey data from Sri Lanka
Mr Preston Tsamassiros Unlocking Tasmania’s Economic Potential Through Changes to Paid Parental Leave 
Ms Rebecca Chin Future wealth transfers and effects on inequality
Dr Rebecca Valenzuela Duration modelling of education effects and gendered outcomes
in the Australian labour market
Mr Robert Cotgrove Post-Industrial Society: An economic geography analysis
Mr Robert Smith A chicken in every pot, a gym in every garage and cars on every street – observations from relative technology and CPI Expenditure Class price changes and implications for Electric Vehicle charging
Mr Ryan Brierty The effect of intergenerational wealth transfers on transitions up and down the housing ladder.
Mr Ryan Dizon Do public health programs make societies more equal? Cross-country evidence on subjective wellbeing inequality
Mr Ryk Bliszczyk What next for Identity Economics?
Dr Safdar Khan A Portfolio Approach to Economic Development: Evidence from a Regional Economy
Dr Satoshi Yamazaki Fish to Fight: How Do Fisheries Affect Conflicts in Indonesia?
Mr Sean Kelly The Labour Market Matching Efficiency in Australian Regions
Mr Shah Mohammad Habibul Hasan Exploring The Pull Factors of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Economies: A Study using a Dynamic Panel Data Model
Dr Shane Evans Does a rising risk premium contribute to Australia’s capital shallowing?
Miss Shuya Yang High Frequency, High Fidelity: Constructing Daily Housing Price Indexes
Mrs Sineth Kannangara Koralalage The Shadow Economy and Its Impact on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka
Mr Stephen Burgess Bang-for-buck: Australian evidence on the impact of zero emission vehicle purchase incentives
Mr Steve Bickley The (In)Equalities of Human Mobility for Work and Play
Ms. Sugandha Huria Digitalization and Exports: A case of Indian Manufacturing MSMEs
Ms Thao Nguyen The role of language proficiency in young immigrants’ educational performance and post-study specialisation.
Prof. Tom Kompas Meeting Minimal Paris Agreement Emissions Targets in an Intertemporal Global Energy and Trade Model
Ms Trang Thi Thu Nguyen Sorting out sustainable food waste behaviour of households: A comprehensive survey of food waste disposal practices
Ulises Garcia Utilising soft skills training to enhance work readiness
Prof. Umut Oguzoglu Look Ma, I'm Okay! Intergenerational Transfers of Health
Prof Uwe Dulleck Special Session Presenter - The Best of Both Worlds
Prof. Warwick Mckibbin Global Economic Impacts of Climate Shocks, Climate Policy and Changes in Climate Risk Assessment
Mr Wenzhu Tang Impacts of user-generated comments on price formation in cross-border e-commerce market: the case of infant formula in China
Dr Xianglong (locky) Liu Oil supply shock and fuel tax policy in Australia: insights from a dynamic CGE framework
Dr Xueli Tang Income Distribution in a Dynamic Assignment Model
Dr Yan Liang Misallocations and Markups: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing
Mr Yifan Lu Behavioural impact of marine protected areas in international waters
Dr Zac Gross Assessing Australian Monetary Policy in the Twenty-First Century
Mr Zhichao Wang Random vs. Explained Inefficiency in SFA: The Case of Queensland Hospitals

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