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Past Events

244 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 51 - 75

Women’s Media Presence: Sharing Knowledge on LinkedIn Workshop - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Wednesday Jul 5, 2023, 12:00 pm

From: Central Council

The NSW WEN invites you to attend a virtual workshop presentation discussing Women’s media presence and sharing knowledge on LinkedIn!

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AARES and WEN Event: SA State budget and implications for Trade, Agriculture and Food

Date: Tuesday Jun 27, 2023, 5:15 pm

AARES and WEN joint Event: SA State budget and implications for Trade, Agriculture and Food. 



Date: Tuesday Jun 6, 2023, 5:15 pm

The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Women in Economics Network (WEN) Queensland branch will be held both in-person (at Ernest and Young Board Room, Level 51, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000) and online (via Zoom) on Tuesday 6 June 2023, commencing at 5:20pm.



Budget implications of a crisis: some policy lessons going forward - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Wednesday May 31, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Central Council

What has our experience with COVID-19 taught us about the best ways for government to respond to future crises? How can budget policy best respond? Are some types of interventions a lot more cost-effective than others? What policies could we prepare to quickly roll out to respond to a future crisis (even if we don’t yet know what that crisis will be)? Can we prepare for any differential effects of a crisis on each gender? What steps do we need to take (such as new types of data collection) in order to respond quickly and affordably to a crisis?

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Pre-Budget Address to the National Press Club of Australia

Date: Wednesday May 3, 2023, 11:30 am

From: Central Council

Danielle Wood, CEO of the Grattan Institute, Su-Lin Ong, Managing Director of RBC Capital Markets & Cherelle Murphy, EY Oceania Chief Economist, will make their Pre-Budget Address to the National Press Club of Australia, in partnership with Women in Economics. 


17th Western Economic Association International Conference

Date: Wednesday Apr 12, 2023, 8:00 am

From: Central Council

Whether in-person or virtually, WEAI conferences bring together top economists from around the world to discuss their latest research. Join the conversation and plan to present a paper or organize a session! Virtual sessions will be held via Zoom on April 11th, 2023, with the in-person conference being held April 12-15, 2023 at the University of Melbourne. Keynote addresses include David Card, Cecilia Rouse, and Richard Blundell.


ZOOM: ChatGPT and other AI: whose job is it coming for? - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Tuesday Mar 28, 2023, 5:30 pm

From: Central Council

Timing of this event is ACDT  (South Australia) - check the time converter.

As part of the ESA Central Council Eminent Speaker Series, Professor Joshua Gans, University of Toronto, will be presenting "ChatGPT and other AI: whose job is it coming for"? 

You are in the right place to register for this event as a Zoom participant.

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Date: Thursday Mar 23, 2023, 5:30 pm

It’s time for another LinkedUP! The WEN Queensland branch invites you to join us for an informal networking evening. Come along to connect or reconnect with old and new WEN members.


WEN Graduate Program 2024 - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Monday Mar 6, 2023, 12:00 pm

It’s hard to believe it is already time to apply for 2024 graduate programs.

The Women in Economics Network (WEN) wants to support university students studying economics to understand the opportunities available to undertake graduate programs, and how the application process works.


Australian Gender Economics Workshop 2023

Date: Thursday Feb 9, 2023, 9:00 am

From: Central Council

The aim of AGEW is to foster a community of economic researchers who can collectively contribute to the evidence base needed to guide the pursuit of more gender equitable outcomes in society. The AGEW will include a program of research presentations and a policy symposium session.  We look forward to reconnecting with many of our members, as well as new and returning faces.

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Reconciliation, Opportunities for, and Wellbeing of First Nations Peoples: Yarning and learning together - Call for Papers

Date: Thursday Feb 2, 2023, 12:00 am

From: Central Council

The Reconciliation, Opportunities for, and Wellbeing of First Nations Peoples: Yarning and learning together Workshop will be held at the Charles Perkins Centre, Camperdown Campus, University of Sydney on Thursday 2 February and Friday 3 February 2023. Call for papers closes on 25 November 2022. Further information can be found by clicking this Call for Papers link.


ANU Workshop on Modelling Economic Sanctions

Date: Monday Dec 5, 2022, 9:00 am

From: Central Council

The ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods is hosting a workshop on Modelling Economic Sanctions on 5 December 2022. It is a hybrid event taking place in person at the Australian National University and online via Zoom.


End of Year Sundowner ESA WA and WEN WA

Date: Thursday Dec 1, 2022, 5:30 pm

The ESA and WEN WA network invite you to attend our end of year sundowner drinks to celebrate the fantastic achievements we have made this year. This is a great informal event to catch-up with old friends and to make some new connections.


SPECIAL INVITATION: How Gender Impacts Outcomes in Education and in Family: An International Perspective - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Wednesday Nov 30, 2022, 12:30 pm

From: Central Council

Gender can be an important factor in determining outcomes in schools as well as in families. In collaboration with the Korean Women Economists Association (KWEA, ), the Women in Economics Network invites you to a webinar on two interesting gender economics topics.

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WEN ACT: Presentation with Jennifer Pitman

Date: Thursday Nov 24, 2022, 5:00 pm

Jennifer Pitman, Associate Director of Economics based in Melbourne, will provide an update on labour markets and costs of living across Australia, followed by a broad discussion of some of the issues, and solutions, EY’s Economics team are working with clients on in this space.


Who has COVID left behind? - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Tuesday Nov 22, 2022, 4:00 pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone’s lives – but some more than others. The Queensland branch of the Women in Economics Network in collaboration with the Griffith Business School invite you to join our free webinar, Who has COVID left behind?


Call for Papers - Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Monday Nov 14, 2022, 8:00 am

The Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and European Central Bank are organising the Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking to be held in-person and on-line on November 14–15, 2022. The conference is hosted by the Bank of Canada in Ottawa and it is the fourth in a series of annual conferences that primarily focuses on issues encountered by under-represented groups in economics, finance, and central banking.


Women in Economics: Career Stories - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Thursday Nov 10, 2022, 4:00 pm

WEN Queensland is excited to collaborate with Griffith University's Industry Insights for a webinar highlighting the career stories of some fabulous female economists.


What Would a Gender-Responsive 2022 Federal Budget Look Like?

Date: Tuesday Oct 18, 2022, 12:00 pm

The Jobs Summit clearly highlighted the importance of supporting women’s economic and societal outcomes; despite being better educated and living longer, women have yet to close the gap to men in terms of their labour market outcomes, earnings and careers. They are also still disproportionately vulnerable to domestic violence, and can still face unsafe work environments.


WEN Queensland – LinkedUp

Date: Thursday Oct 13, 2022, 5:30 pm

It’s been a long time between drinks! The WEN Queensland branch invites you to join us for an informal networking evening. Come along to connect or reconnect with old and new WEN members after too many months on Zoom.


Women in Economics Upcoming Event: Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Thursday Sep 8, 2022, 1:00 pm

From: Central Council

The value of placing a “gender lens” on economic policy and budget design is gaining stronger attention in the Australian policy environment. In recognition of the growing interest in Gender Responsive Budgeting at the Federal Government level and among various State Governments in Australia, the Women in Economics Network has organised a two-part online event on the purpose and practice of Gender Responsive Budgeting.  

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SPECIAL INVITATION: Gender Responsive Budgeting in Australia: Insights into government budget statements and processes - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Thursday Aug 18, 2022, 12:30 pm

From: Central Council

The value of placing a “gender lens” on economic policy and budget design is gaining stronger attention in the Australian policy environment.

In recognition of the growing interest in Gender Responsive Budgeting at the Federal Government level and among various State Governments in Australia, the Women in Economics Network is organising a two-part online event on the purpose and practice of Gender Responsive Budgeting.  

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WEN Lunchtime online seminar on Violence Against Women in Australia - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Tuesday Jul 26, 2022, 12:30 pm

Economic Society of Australia (ESA) and Women in Economics Network (WEN) members and associates warmly invite you to a lunchtime event with special guest speaker, Professor Deborah Loxton, Director of both the Centre for Women’s Health Research and the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health at the University of Newcastle.  Professor Deborah Loxton, will present on the following topic: Violence Against Women in Australia.

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Snacks and Socialising with WEN Victoria

Date: Tuesday Jul 19, 2022, 5:30 pm

WEN Victoria invites you to join us in July for after-work drinks – an opportunity for some casual networking and to reconnect with fellow WEN members.


The 26th Australasian Teaching Economics Conference - ONLINE ONLY

Date: Thursday Jul 14, 2022, 12:00 am

From: Central Council

This year the Australasian Teaching Economics Conference (ATEC22) will be hosted by the Australian National University from July 14-15 2022. Given the ups and downs we’re still experiencing (and the resulting budget issues) the conference will again be held virtually over zoom, which also means a zero cost registration!


244 Past Events Items found:      Showing Past Events Items 51 - 75


WEN Members are also welcome to attend events organised by the ESA. For upcoming ESA events, please see the ESA events webpage.