WEN AGM (SA Branch) and virtual networking event - ONLINE ONLY


From: Wednesday March 17, 2021, 5:30 pm

To: Wednesday March 17, 2021, 6:30 pm

WEN AGM (South Australia Branch)and virtual networking event

The SA Women in Economics Network (WEN) invites members to attend its 2021 AGM. The AGM will be held virtually via Zoom and will be followed by a virtual networking session. Please join us to discuss our achievements in 2020 (despite the pandemic!) and our plans for the upcoming year.

Call for nominations – South Australian WEN Committee

The SA Women in Economics Network warmly welcomes members to nominate for committee positions. The WEN Committee meets once every two months to discuss ways to support and connect women in economics, improve representation of women in economics, promote contributions of female economists and encourage young women to study economics. All members of the WEN Committee assist in organising WEN events, programs and initiatives throughout the year.

If you would like to join the WEN Committee as a Committee Member or Office Bearer, please complete the form and email to wen@esasa.org.au by 12 March 2021 (digital signatures or scanned copies are permitted). Contact wen@esasa.org.au if you have any questions. Our governance arrangements can be found here.

AGM details 

Date: Wednesday 17 March 2021

Time: 5.30 – 6.30 pm – the AGM will begin promptly at 5.30 pm

Venue: Zoom – please ensure you have downloaded the latest version of Zoom and your WEN registration email is linked to a free or paid Zoom account prior to the event. Zoom dial-in details will be emailed following registration.

Please note that this event is for WEN members only. Both men and women are welcome to attend. To check the status of your membership, login to the ESA portal to ensure your membership is current and that you have ticked the WEN box in My Profile.

Registration and Joining this Webinar

To register please BOOK NOW. The link to join this webinar will be included in your auto-generated invoice email - please look out for this and keep it safe until the webinar is due to be broadcast. Note, these emails sometimes get caught in spam folders.



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