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Credible Economist Writing Competition 2025

The Women in Economics Network was created to promote and support the careers of female economists in Australia. As part of this, the Credible Economist blog series promotes public contributions by female economists and on the topic of gender economics.

If you would like to submit a blog to the Credible Economist series, or have any questions about the series, please email the NSW WEN at


In 2022, NSW WEN started the writing competition as part of the Credible Economist series. The top 6 articles were published as part of the series. Other selected articles will be published this year.

This year prizes will be awarded to articles that best fit the evaluation criteria listed in the submission document. First place will be $750, second place $500 and third place $250. Additionally, complimentary membership to WEN for the next year will be awarded for the top 3 prize winners and 3 honourable mentions.

Participants should submit an article of no longer than 800 words on an economics topic of their choosing. All WEN member and students are able to enter, however, articles should promote female voices in economics – either the voice of the author, or by writing on the topic of gender economics.

We encourage participants from high-schools to participate in this competition. Participants are encouraged to read previous winner articles in the series to guide their writing.

Articles will be judged by Leonora Risse, Previous Chair of National WEN and Associate Professor at University of Canberra, Dr Hayley Fisher, University of Sydney, and Kar Mei Tang, UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

Submission are open and can be sent to using the submission document below. Due date is Friday 14 February 2025.



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