Webinar Presentations

Below are the presentations from seminars that the Women in Economics Network ("WEN") have hosted. The recordings (if available) can be found on the WEN Youtube Channel.


The Economics of Women's Health

Did you know that women report poorer health than men in almost all domains? And 2.7 million women are missing from the labour force? This is costing the Australian economy $72 billion in lost GDP annually. If you’re interested in learning more about the current economic findings/statistics on women’s health, why we need to think about women's health and the important issues in the Australian context today, then this is the event for you!


2023 Credible Economist Writing Competition: Winners Announcement

In this special event, we had the opportunity to celebrate and hear from the winners of the Credible Economist Writing Competition for 2023.

The judges also shared key tips on effective writing in economics and provide generalised feedback on the articles submitted, as well as the selection process. 


ACCC's Childcare Inquiry with WEN Victoria

Keen to understand more about the childcare market in Australia? Join members from the ACCC's Childcare Inquiry Taskforce for a presentation exploring the inquiry's interim findings and recommendations, the analysis that has informed it, and insights gained into the unique role that competition and choice play in markets for human services.