Tania is currently working as a manager at BDO EconSearch. Tania is an applied economist. She has worked at SACES previously on macroeconomic issues (Economic Briefing Reports, macroeconomic monitoring, industry analysis, regional economies, population strategy); labour market issues (migration, competition and contestability in human services, gender inequality); social issues (Costs of tobacco, opioid, cannabis, gambling issues); and regional development.
Prior to joining SACES, Tania worked as a Regulatory Analyst with the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) from 2012 to 2017. While at ESCOSA she worked on several reviews, determinations and inquiries in the energy and water industries. These included major regulatory projects on the solar feed-in-tariff premium, National Energy Customer Framework (NECF) in South Australia, price elasticity of demand for energy and water utilities, and role of incentives in regulating major water utilities.
Tania has also previously worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Regulation and Market Analysis (CRMA) of the University of South Australia, and as a lecturer at Monash and Flinders universities. Her doctoral thesis explored various issues related to business strategies, in particular how managerial recommendations can affect the inter-divisional allocation of a firm’s internal capital, whether corporate diversification leads to loss in value of a firm, and how executive compensation can affect the value of a firm.
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